The best use of a new system begins with a love for better processes and continual improvement thereafter. Why spend money to switch to a new system that does the same thing you are currently doing? Make sure a new system comes with better practices within the institution.
By working together, we can build better processes. Let us turn those ideas into a user interface that makes accomplishing your goals easy.
Acahdemix code is updated daily as new ideas emerge. Therefore, updates are made available between 6-10 times a year. Solutions can't wait!
We strive to offer great training materials to ensure everyone knows how to best serve your students. Online, In person, Videos and more...
We pride ourselves on our user support. Rarely does a question go unanswered on the same day that it is submitted. Your service to students can't wait for our service to you.
Achademix has many features and functions that help you manage the student's life cylce, as well as report on the data you maintain as applicable.
See below for some of the highlights.
Assessment scores, Credential tracking, Required Documents per program, course or even funding source, Employer associations, Leave of Absence tracking, Advanced Standing calculation, Program Packaging (Budgets), customizable Invoice text, Payment Plan text, Financial Aid Award Letter text, Account Statement text, etc., customizable Forms using MS Word,
Currently we serve schools in Ohio, Oklahoma and Arizona.
(drag the icons to the left for more...)
The best way to begin working together is discussing how you would like to improve your services, as well as your ability to meet your obligations to the community.
Let us know how we can help you meet your goals... so let's talk!